Source code for donuts.rat

"""Routines for rational functions."""

from __future__ import annotations

import functools
from fractions import Fraction
from typing import Any, FrozenSet, Iterable, Sequence, Union, overload

from .array import _create_raw_int_array, _create_raw_var_array
from .jvm import jvm
from .poly import Polynomial
from .var import Variable, VariableLike
from .varset import VariableSet, VariableSetLike

_RawRationalFunction = jvm.find_class("com.github.tueda.donuts.RationalFunction")
_JavaError = jvm.java_error_class

_RAW_ZERO = _RawRationalFunction()
_RAW_ONE = _RawRationalFunction(1)
_RAW_MINUS_ONE = _RawRationalFunction(-1)

def _raw_rationalfunction_from_short_int(value: int) -> Any:
    if value == 0:
        return _RAW_ZERO
    if value == 1:
        return _RAW_ONE
    if value == -1:
        return _RAW_MINUS_ONE
    return _raw_rationalfunction_from_short_int_impl(value)

def _raw_rationalfunction_from_short_int_impl(value: int) -> Any:
    return _RawRationalFunction(value)

def _raw_rationalfunction_from_str(value: str) -> Any:
    return _RawRationalFunction(value)

[docs]class RationalFunction: """Rational function.""" __slots__ = ("_raw",) def __init__( self, numerator: Union[ RationalFunction, Polynomial, Variable, Fraction, int, str, None ] = None, denominator: Union[Polynomial, Variable, int, None] = None, ) -> None: """Construct a rational function.""" if denominator is None: if numerator is None: self._raw = _RAW_ZERO elif isinstance(numerator, int): if Polynomial._is_short_int(numerator): self._raw = _raw_rationalfunction_from_short_int(numerator) else: self._raw = _RawRationalFunction(str(numerator)) elif isinstance(numerator, str): try: self._raw = _RawRationalFunction(numerator) except _JavaError as e: raise ValueError("invalid string for rational function") from e elif isinstance(numerator, Fraction): if Polynomial._is_short_int( numerator.numerator ) and Polynomial._is_short_int(numerator.denominator): self._raw = _RawRationalFunction( numerator.numerator, numerator.denominator ) else: self._raw = _RawRationalFunction( Polynomial(numerator.numerator)._raw, Polynomial(numerator.denominator)._raw, ) elif isinstance(numerator, Variable): self._raw = _raw_rationalfunction_from_str(numerator._name) elif isinstance(numerator, Polynomial): self._raw = _RawRationalFunction(numerator._raw) elif isinstance(numerator, RationalFunction): self._raw = numerator._raw else: raise TypeError(f"invalid numerator: `{numerator}`") else: if isinstance(numerator, (RationalFunction, Fraction, str)): raise TypeError( f"invalid numerator as denominator is given: `{numerator}`" ) if ( isinstance(numerator, int) and isinstance(denominator, int) and Polynomial._is_short_int(numerator) and Polynomial._is_short_int(denominator) ): if denominator == 0: raise ZeroDivisionError("division by zero") self._raw = _RawRationalFunction(numerator, denominator) else: num = Polynomial(numerator) den = Polynomial(denominator) if den.is_zero: raise ZeroDivisionError("division by zero") self._raw = _RawRationalFunction(num._raw, den._raw) @staticmethod def _new(raw: Any) -> RationalFunction: """Construct a rational function from a raw object.""" obj = RationalFunction() obj._raw = raw return obj def __getstate__(self) -> Any: """Get the object state.""" return str(self._raw.toString()) def __setstate__(self, state: Any) -> None: """Set the object state.""" self._raw = _RawRationalFunction(state) def __str__(self) -> str: """Return the string representation.""" return str(self._raw.toString()) def __repr__(self) -> str: """Return the "official" string representation.""" return f"RationalFunction('{str(self)}')" def __hash__(self) -> int: """Return the hash code.""" if self.is_fraction: return hash(self.as_fraction) if self.is_polynomial: return hash(self.as_polynomial) return self._raw.hashCode() # type: ignore[no-any-return] def __bool__(self) -> bool: """Return `True` for non-zero rational functions.""" return not self.is_zero def __pos__(self) -> RationalFunction: """Return ``+ self``.""" return self def __neg__(self) -> RationalFunction: """Return ``- self``.""" return RationalFunction._new(self._raw.negate()) def __add__( self, other: Union[RationalFunction, Polynomial, Variable, Fraction, int] ) -> RationalFunction: """Return ``self + other``.""" if isinstance(other, RationalFunction): return RationalFunction._new(self._raw.add(other._raw)) elif isinstance(other, (Polynomial, Variable, Fraction, int)): return self + RationalFunction(other) return NotImplemented # type: ignore[unreachable] def __radd__( self, other: Union[Polynomial, Variable, Fraction, int] ) -> RationalFunction: """Return ``other + self``.""" if isinstance(other, (Polynomial, Variable, Fraction, int)): return RationalFunction(other) + self return NotImplemented # type: ignore[unreachable] def __sub__( self, other: Union[RationalFunction, Polynomial, Variable, Fraction, int] ) -> RationalFunction: """Return ``self - other``.""" if isinstance(other, RationalFunction): return RationalFunction._new(self._raw.subtract(other._raw)) elif isinstance(other, (Polynomial, Variable, Fraction, int)): return self - RationalFunction(other) return NotImplemented # type: ignore[unreachable] def __rsub__( self, other: Union[Polynomial, Variable, Fraction, int] ) -> RationalFunction: """Return ``other - self``.""" if isinstance(other, (Polynomial, Variable, Fraction, int)): return RationalFunction(other) - self return NotImplemented # type: ignore[unreachable] def __mul__( self, other: Union[RationalFunction, Polynomial, Variable, Fraction, int] ) -> RationalFunction: """Return ``self * other``.""" if isinstance(other, RationalFunction): return RationalFunction._new(self._raw.multiply(other._raw)) elif isinstance(other, (Polynomial, Variable, Fraction, int)): return self * RationalFunction(other) return NotImplemented # type: ignore[unreachable] def __rmul__( self, other: Union[Polynomial, Variable, Fraction, int] ) -> RationalFunction: """Return ``other * self``.""" if isinstance(other, (Polynomial, Variable, Fraction, int)): return RationalFunction(other) * self return NotImplemented # type: ignore[unreachable] def __truediv__( self, other: Union[RationalFunction, Polynomial, Variable, Fraction, int] ) -> RationalFunction: """Return ``self / other``.""" if isinstance(other, RationalFunction): if other.is_zero: raise ZeroDivisionError("division by zero") return RationalFunction._new(self._raw.divide(other._raw)) elif isinstance(other, (Polynomial, Variable, Fraction, int)): return self / RationalFunction(other) return NotImplemented # type: ignore[unreachable] def __rtruediv__( self, other: Union[Polynomial, Variable, Fraction, int] ) -> RationalFunction: """Return ``other / self``.""" if isinstance(other, (Polynomial, Variable, Fraction, int)): return RationalFunction(other) / self return NotImplemented # type: ignore[unreachable] def __pow__(self, other: int) -> RationalFunction: """Return ``self ** other``.""" if isinstance(other, int): if other <= -1 and self.is_zero: raise ZeroDivisionError("division by zero") return RationalFunction._new(self._raw.pow(other)) return NotImplemented # type: ignore[unreachable] def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: """Return ``self == other``.""" if isinstance(other, RationalFunction): return self._raw.equals(other._raw) # type: ignore[no-any-return] elif isinstance(other, (Polynomial, Variable, Fraction, int)): return self == RationalFunction(other) return NotImplemented @property def numerator(self) -> Polynomial: """Return the numerator.""" return Polynomial._new(self._raw.getNumerator()) @property def denominator(self) -> Polynomial: """Return the denominator.""" return Polynomial._new(self._raw.getDenominator()) @property def is_zero(self) -> bool: """Return `True` if the rational function is zero.""" return self._raw.isZero() # type: ignore[no-any-return] @property def is_one(self) -> bool: """Return `True` if the rational function is one.""" return self._raw.isOne() # type: ignore[no-any-return] @property def is_minus_one(self) -> bool: """Return `True` if the rational function is minus one.""" return self._raw.isMinusOne() # type: ignore[no-any-return] @property def is_integer(self) -> bool: """Return `True` if the rational function is an integer.""" return self._raw.isInteger() # type: ignore[no-any-return] @property def is_fraction(self) -> bool: """Return `True` if the rational function is a rational number.""" return self._raw.isConstant() # type: ignore[no-any-return] @property def is_polynomial(self) -> bool: """Return `True` if the rational function is a polynomial.""" return self._raw.isPolynomial() # type: ignore[no-any-return] @property def is_variable(self) -> bool: """Return `True` if the rational function is a variable.""" return self.is_polynomial and self.numerator.is_variable @property def as_integer(self) -> int: """Cast the rational function to an integer.""" if self.is_integer: return self.numerator.as_integer raise ValueError("not an integer") @property def as_fraction(self) -> Fraction: """Cast the rational function to a rational number.""" if self.is_fraction: return Fraction(self.numerator.as_integer, self.denominator.as_integer) raise ValueError("not a rational number") @property def as_polynomial(self) -> Polynomial: """Cast the rational function to a polynomial.""" if self.is_polynomial: return self.numerator raise ValueError("not a polynomial") @property def as_variable(self) -> Variable: """Cast the rational function to a variable.""" if self.is_variable: return Variable._new(self._raw.getNumerator().asVariable()) raise ValueError("not a variable") @property def variables(self) -> FrozenSet[Variable]: """Return the set of variables.""" return VariableSet._frozenset_from_raw(self._raw.getVariables()) @property def min_variables(self) -> FrozenSet[Variable]: """Return the set of actually used variables in this polynomial.""" return VariableSet._frozenset_from_raw(self._raw.getMinimalVariables()) @overload def translate(self, *variables: VariableLike) -> RationalFunction: """Translate the rational function in terms of the given set of variables.""" ... @overload def translate(self, variables: VariableSetLike) -> RationalFunction: """Translate the rational function in terms of the given set of variables.""" ...
[docs] def translate( # type: ignore[misc,no-untyped-def] self, *variables ) -> RationalFunction: """Translate the rational function in terms of the given set of variables.""" if len(variables) == 1: xx = variables[0] if isinstance(xx, VariableSet): return self._translate_impl(xx._raw) elif isinstance(xx, Iterable) and not isinstance(xx, str): return self.translate(*xx) if any(not isinstance(x, (str, Variable)) for x in variables): raise TypeError("not Variable") return self._translate_impl(VariableSet._get_raw(variables))
def _translate_impl(self, raw_varset: Any) -> RationalFunction: try: raw = self._raw.translate(raw_varset) except _JavaError as e: raise ValueError("invalid set of variables") from e return RationalFunction._new(raw)
[docs] def subs( self, lhs: Union[Polynomial, Variable, str], rhs: Union[RationalFunction, Polynomial, Variable, Fraction, int, str], ) -> RationalFunction: """Return the result of the given substitution.""" if isinstance(lhs, Polynomial): if isinstance(rhs, RationalFunction): try: r = RationalFunction._new(self._raw.substitute(lhs._raw, rhs._raw)) except _JavaError as e: if jvm.get_error_message(e) == "division by zero": raise ZeroDivisionError("division by zero") from e else: raise ValueError("invalid lhs for substitution") from e assert not r.denominator.is_zero # noqa: S101 # just in case return r elif isinstance(rhs, (Polynomial, Variable, Fraction, int, str)): return self.subs(lhs, RationalFunction(rhs)) else: raise TypeError("rhs is not a RationalFunction") elif isinstance(lhs, (Variable, str)): return self.subs(Polynomial(lhs), rhs) else: raise TypeError("lhs is not a Polynomial")
@overload def evaluate(self, variable: Union[Variable, str], value: int) -> RationalFunction: """Return the result of setting the given variable to the specified value.""" ... @overload def evaluate( self, variables: Sequence[Union[Variable, str]], values: Sequence[int] ) -> RationalFunction: """Return the result of setting the given variables to the specified values.""" ...
[docs] def evaluate( # type: ignore[misc,no-untyped-def] self, variables, values ) -> RationalFunction: """Return the result of setting the given variables to the specified values.""" # TODO: integer overflow occurs >= 2^31. if isinstance(variables, Sequence) and not isinstance(variables, str): if not (isinstance(values, Sequence) and not isinstance(values, str)): raise TypeError("values must be a sequence") if len(variables) != len(values): raise ValueError("variables and values have different sizes") try: return RationalFunction._new( self._raw.evaluate( _create_raw_var_array(tuple(variables)), _create_raw_int_array(tuple(values)), ) ) except _JavaError as e: if jvm.get_error_message(e) == "division by zero": raise ZeroDivisionError("division by zero") from e raise e # pragma: no cover if isinstance(variables, Variable): x = variables if not isinstance(values, int): raise TypeError("value must be an integer") n = values try: return RationalFunction._new(self._raw.evaluate(x._raw, n)) except _JavaError as e: if jvm.get_error_message(e) == "division by zero": raise ZeroDivisionError("division by zero") from e raise e # pragma: no cover if isinstance(variables, str): return self.evaluate(Variable(variables), values) raise TypeError("invalid variables")
@overload def evaluate_at_zero(self, *variables: VariableLike) -> RationalFunction: """Return the result of setting all the given variables to zero.""" ... @overload def evaluate_at_zero(self, variables: VariableSetLike) -> RationalFunction: """Return the result of setting all the given variables to zero.""" ...
[docs] def evaluate_at_zero( # type: ignore[misc,no-untyped-def] self, *variables ) -> RationalFunction: """Return the result of setting all the given variables to zero.""" if len(variables) == 1: x = variables[0] if isinstance(x, (Variable, VariableSet)): try: return RationalFunction._new(self._raw.evaluateAtZero(x._raw)) except _JavaError as e: if jvm.get_error_message(e) == "division by zero": raise ZeroDivisionError("division by zero") from e raise e # pragma: no cover if isinstance(x, Iterable) and not isinstance(x, str): if not x: # None of the variables are specified. return self return self.evaluate_at_zero(*x) if len(variables) == 0: # None of the variables are specified. return self if any(not isinstance(x, (Variable, str)) for x in variables): raise TypeError("not Variable") return self.evaluate_at_zero(VariableSet(*variables))
@overload def evaluate_at_one(self, *variables: VariableLike) -> RationalFunction: """Return the result of setting all the given variables to unity.""" ... @overload def evaluate_at_one(self, variables: VariableSetLike) -> RationalFunction: """Return the result of setting all the given variables to unity.""" ...
[docs] def evaluate_at_one( # type: ignore[misc,no-untyped-def] self, *variables ) -> RationalFunction: """Return the result of setting all the given variables to unity.""" if len(variables) == 1: x = variables[0] if isinstance(x, (Variable, VariableSet)): try: return RationalFunction._new(self._raw.evaluateAtOne(x._raw)) except _JavaError as e: if jvm.get_error_message(e) == "division by zero": raise ZeroDivisionError("division by zero") from e raise e # pragma: no cover if isinstance(x, Iterable) and not isinstance(x, str): if not x: # None of the variables are specified. return self return self.evaluate_at_one(*x) if len(variables) == 0: # None of the variables are specified. return self if any(not isinstance(x, (Variable, str)) for x in variables): raise TypeError("not Variable") return self.evaluate_at_one(VariableSet(*variables))
@overload def shift(self, variable: Union[Variable, str], shift: int) -> RationalFunction: """Return the result of the given variable shift.""" ... @overload def shift( self, variables: Sequence[Union[Variable, str]], values: Sequence[int] ) -> RationalFunction: """Return the result of the given variable shifts.""" ...
[docs] def shift( # type: ignore[misc,no-untyped-def] self, variables, values ) -> RationalFunction: """Return the result of the given variable shifts.""" # TODO: integer overflow occurs >= 2^31. if isinstance(variables, Sequence) and not isinstance(variables, str): if not (isinstance(values, Sequence) and not isinstance(values, str)): raise TypeError("values must be a sequence") if len(variables) != len(values): raise ValueError("variables and values have different sizes") return RationalFunction._new( self._raw.shift( _create_raw_var_array(tuple(variables)), _create_raw_int_array(tuple(values)), ) ) if isinstance(variables, Variable): x = variables if not isinstance(values, int): raise TypeError("value must be an integer") n = values return RationalFunction._new(self._raw.shift(x._raw, n)) if isinstance(variables, str): return self.shift(Variable(variables), values) raise TypeError("invalid variables")
[docs] def diff(self, x: Union[Variable, str], n: int = 1) -> RationalFunction: """Differentiate this rational function.""" if isinstance(x, str): x = Variable(x) if not isinstance(x, Variable): raise TypeError("x must be a Variable") if not isinstance(n, int): raise TypeError("n must be an int") if n < 0: raise ValueError("n must be non-negative") return RationalFunction._new(self._raw.derivative(x._raw, n))
# For static typing. RationalFunctionLike = Union[RationalFunction, Polynomial, Variable, Fraction, int]